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- Software
- Sniper Sim Sniper Simulator
- Rem Shoot Ballistics Software
- Point Blank Ballistics Software
- GNU Range Card Software
- Sniper Rifle Screensaver V1.01
- Sniper Rifle Screensaver V2.01
- Shoot-Long Range Simulator
- EOTech Simulator
- Gun Collection Software
- Articles
- "The 45-70 At Two Miles
- "Application Of Fire"
- "Sniper Truths"
- "Hard Target Interdiction"
- "A Sniper's Thoughts"
- "Caliber Selection For Sniping"
- "The Care And Feeding Of A Sniper Weapons System"
- "The Shooter/Spotter Relationship"
- "Tactical Rifle Gadgetry"
- "The Tree Tux"
- "The Tale of Two Disciplines"
- "Alternate Target Engagement Techniques"
- "User Guide For Mil-Dot Equipped Optics"
- Weapon Diagrams
- AR15
- Remington 700
- Winchester Model 70
- Beretta Model 92
- Colt Commander
- Barrett M82
- Barrett 99
- Barrett 95
- Savage 110
- Winchester Model 70
- M1 Garand
- Ruger Mini 14 Ranch
- M4A4 Tank (Just For Fun)
- Arisaka
- Browning BAR
- Browning Hi Power
- Colt Gold Cup
- Marlin 1895 Lever Action
- Marlin 336
- Mauser 98
- Mosin Nogant
- Reminton 760 Pump Rifle
- Reminton 870 Shotgun
- Sig Sauer P220
- Ruger 77
- Sharps Rifle
- Springfield 1903
- Tokarev Pistol
- Winchester 94 Pre-64
- Winchester 94 Post-64
- Winchester 1886 Lever Action
- Rifle Targets
- Printable Rifle Targets
- Sight-In Target
- High Contrast Bulls Eye
- M16A4-M4 Boresite
- M16A4-M4MW LiveFire
- US Palma Targets
- Military Training Manuals
- FM-2335 Pistol & Revolver Combat Training
- Scouting, Patrolling & Sniping (1944)
- Modern Pistol - Weaver
- Sniper Training & Deployment
- Hand To Hand Combat
- Ju Jitsu Training
- Israeli Combat Pistol
- Kill Or Be Killed
- M9-M11 Pistol
- Marine Martial Arts
- Marine Pistol Training
- SOF Medical Handbook
- Army Pistol Marksmanship
- USMC Close Combat
- Purify Water With Bleach
- Other Files
- Federal Centerfire Ammunition MSDS
- MK 248 MOD 1 300 Win Mag Load Data
- M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round
- M1907 Sling Instructions
- Patton's Speech To 3rd Army
- DIA Small Caliber Ammunition Identification
- How To Make Ballistic Gel
- How To Shoot The Army Rifle(WWII)
- Shooting Glossary
- Camp Perry Wind Chart
- XM110 SASS Rifle Specs
- CheyTac .408 Rifle
- PM Crew Served Weapons
- IDPA Rule Book
- The United States Constitution
- The Declaration of Independence (text)
- The Declaration of Independence (image)
- Army Ranger Rule Book
- Army Survival Manual
- Nato Emergency War Surgery
- Urban Combat
- US Joint Forces First Aid
- Christian Life and Character Civil Institutes of United States
- Please email if you need something specific. We will be posting more as time permits.